Founder’s story

English is not my mother tongue. It has been a challenge for me when I went to study overseas, especially trying to pass ACCA examinations. I tried a way which suited me for studying subjects in English, eventually I overcame the difficulty and passed all ACCA examinations within 3 years. Having met the requirements of Oxford Brooks University in the UK based on my  ACCA examination results I was granted a BSc (Hons) first class degree in Applied Accounting by Oxford Brooks University.

I was lucky in getting an offer to work in an international firm as an external auditor, where I started developing my career. I held various positions such as CFO, Internal control manager, Company director, ERP consultant, Internal audit manager, Senior auditor. People I worked with from various countries included China, Germany, Cambodia, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, UK, Australia and the USA. My working experience in countries where English is the main business language helped me in improving my English.

I like to share my story and help those who wish to improve their English. I wish to help those who are  studying subjects or courses in a language which is not their moth tongue, to help those who wish to work with international companies where English is the main business language.  

With this in mind, I set up Wisdom Education Academy with my co-founder.