Studying Tips

Daily English is not the same as Business English. One needs to focus on what he/she lacks or wishes to improve, then find a suitable course. A study plan is a must. One should strictly follow the plan. With one’s determination, self-discipline, patience, slowly advance step by step, good results will be achieved.


The English language is not only for written communication but more for verbal communication.

Apart from grammar and writing skills, one of the important aspects of English is spoken English. To improve one’s spoken English, one should:


  1. Not be afraid of opening your mouth when speaking

A lot of people when learning a language are reluctant to open their mouth when speaking which  is usually due to feeling embarrassed and/or their fear of losing face as they think their own pronunciation is poor. One has to know that if you do not open your mouth to form the words when speaking you will not be able to pronounce the words properly and will therefore never be able to improve your spoken English.


  1. Practice, Practice & Practice

One has to be determined to practice as often as possible

Make a plan to spend 30 minutes everyday to listen and practice. Keep practicing day by day, do not give up. Soon you will find a magical result!


  1. Role play exercise.

Select a role in the scene from the course, act the role you have selected to practice your speaking and pronunciation.